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Heart Surgery
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Heart Surgery
Heart Surgery
When to Call Your Doctor after You Go Home
Call your family doctor right away if you notice any of these:
Your temperature is over 38.5 °C, you feel sick, or your muscles ache.
Your incisions are warm to touch, burn, smell bad, are red, swollen, tender, or the drainage changes from yellow to green.
Your chest hurts or hurts more, especially when you take a deep breath.
You’re short of breath or have trouble breathing.
You’re coughing up mucous or more mucous.
The mucous changes from clear to green or yellow.
Your heartbeat doesn’t feel regular.
You gain 3 pounds (1.5 kg) in 3 days.
Your ankles are swelling.
Your arms or legs feel numb or weak.
Your eyesight gets blurry.
You have bleeding or bruising you can’t explain. This includes blood in your stool.
Your angina or chest pain symptoms seem to be back.
If you have angina - rest, take your nitroglycerin as instructed, and call your doctor.
The Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta (Calgary)
The Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute (Edmonton)
Current as of:
December 1, 2018
Cardiac Surgery Portfolio
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